Resources & Education

Chattanooga Medical Research (CMR) is committed to advancing medical breakthroughs while providing exceptional care to our participants. This page offers a comprehensive collection of resources and educational materials to guide you through the clinical research process, including our Medical Research FAQ, where we answer some of your most frequently asked questions.

The Clinical Trial Process

We understand that navigating the clinical trial process can raise questions. This pathway guides you through the steps involved, empowering you to make informed decisions about your participation.

  • Initial Inquiry: Browse our website or contact us to explore current trials. Our dedicated team will answer your questions and determine if a trial aligns with your health needs.
  • Pre-screening: A brief pre-screening helps assess if you meet the eligibility criteria for a specific trial. This may involve reviewing your medical history and answering questionnaires.
  • Informed Consent: If you qualify and are interested in proceeding, a comprehensive informed consent process will be explained. This detailed document outlines the trial procedures, potential risks and benefits, and your rights as a participant. Take time to ask questions and ensure you fully understand the commitment before signing.
  • Screening Visit: This in-depth visit may involve a physical examination, lab tests, and potentially additional procedures outlined in the trial protocol. It allows our team to gather the necessary information and confirm your suitability for the trial.
  • Baseline Measurements: Once enrolled, baseline measurements are taken to establish a starting point for monitoring your health throughout the trial. This may include blood tests, vital signs, and scans.
  • Trial Participation: The specific procedures and duration of your involvement will vary depending on the trial design. Our team will guide you through each step and ensure your comfort and safety. Regular monitoring and communication are central to this phase.
  • Follow-Up Care: Your well-being remains our priority even after the active trial phase concludes. Follow-up visits ensure your continued health and may involve additional monitoring or data collection.

Phases & Purpose of Clinical Trials

Clinical trials are the cornerstone of medical progress, meticulously testing new treatments and therapies. This section details the different phases of clinical trials, including their distinct goals and how they contribute to the development of groundbreaking medical solutions.

  • PHASE I TRIALS: This phase is conducted on a small number of people who have no underlying health conditions, determines safe doses, and identifies side effects. Participants are monitored very closely.
  • PHASE II TRIALS: This phase is conducted in larger groups of participants who have the condition that the investigational medication is intended to treat to determine effectiveness and to further evaluate side effects.
  • PHASE III TRIALS: This phase is conducted with several hundred to several thousand participants who have the condition that the new medication is meant to treat. The medication is compared to existing treatments, or a placebo determines effectiveness.
  • PHASE IV TRIALS: This phase is conducted after a medication or therapy has been approved by the Federal Drug Administration and is available to the public. Phase IV trials are conducted in very large groups of people to evaluate long-term safety and effectiveness of medications.

Learn more about our expert clinical research team.

Medical Research FAQs

Chattanooga Medical Research (CMR) is committed to providing a safe and informative experience for all our research study participants. Below are some frequently asked questions to help you understand what to expect. If you have a question not addressed here, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Each study has specific eligibility criteria, including factors like age, medical history, and current medications. You will be screened to see if you qualify for a particular study.

You will be given a detailed informed consent document explaining the trial, including information about study procedures, risks, and benefits, etc. CMR staff will answer any questions you may have about the study. The specific appointment schedule and procedures will vary depending on the study and visit, but may include physical exams, blood tests, surveys, and taking medication.

Safety is our top priority. All CMR studies are reviewed and approved by an Institutional Review Board (IRB) that ensures the study is ethical and minimizes risks to participants. You will be closely monitored throughout the study by qualified healthcare professionals. You have the right to withdraw from the study at any time.

You may receive free study-related medications or healthcare procedures. You will also be contributing valuable data that could advance medical research and improve future treatments for others.

Some studies may offer compensation for your time and travel. The amount of compensation will vary depending on the study.

CMR keeps all participant information confidential. Your information will be protected according to HIPAA regulations.

At CMR, we prioritize clear communication and address your questions throughout the process. Our experienced staff is here to support you and ensure a positive research experience. To learn more about clinical research, including information on your rights and safety throughout the process, we recommend visiting these websites:

Find the right trial for you.

Browse our current clinical trials to see if there's a study that
aligns with your health condition and interests.

Connect with us.

We welcome any questions or comments you may have. Need to get in touch with us?
Simply complete the following contact form or call us at 423.648.7794.


Chattanooga Medical Research, LLC
929 Spring Creek Rd. Ste 202
Chattanooga, TN 37412
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p: 423.648.7794
f: 423.648.7796

Office Hours
Monday - Friday
8:30 am to 5 pm

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